Naruto: The whole World knows that i am the Savior - Chapter 133 (2024)

Chapter 133 The Fifth Ninja World War

“Then let’s do this. The Yuno Kuni battlefield that I am responsible for is the main battlefield for attacking the Kumo Ninja Village in the Thunder Country. After I encounter the main force of the Kumo Ninja, I will send information to Terumi Mei. Then Kirigakure will Set off immediately and cooperate with Orochimaru to attack the Cloud Ninja Village.”

After thoroughly discussing the plan, Baiyun Yousuke, as the general of the Fire Country, made the final decision.

To be called the main force of Cloud Ninja, there must be a Jinchuuriki, plus more than 3,000 Cloud Ninja ninjas, so the pressure on Orochimaru and Kirigakure will not be too great, and Baigumo Yosuke’s part Not too afraid of ninjas either.

As long as he personally steps in to hold back the Jinchuuriki of the Kumo ninja, the Flying Castle will be invincible.

“Let’s set off today and start tomorrow at noon.”

“Hey, isn’t it five days from now?”

After hearing this, Mei Terumi asked in confusion: “Why did it suddenly change to tomorrow?”

This is not just Terumi Mei’s question, everyone in the room, including Tsunade, is very confused about Bai Yun Yousuke’s plan.

“Although it has been agreed that it will be five days later, the Kumo ninja and Iwa ninja may react, and the ninja army has already assembled at the border. All we need to do is rush over.”

Baiyun Yosuke said that they were on their way very quickly, so they could just take the Shadow Guards and set off directly; but Baiyun Yosuke wanted to bring Uzumaki Naruto’s team to the battlefield next to him. If the energy in the Flying Castle is not enough, let Uzumaki Naruto transport it. Some chakra.

Moreover, Uchiha Sasuke also needs to go to the battlefield to practice. His strength has reached a peak level through practice, but what he lacks now is experience.

However, after Bai Yun Yousuke finished speaking, the expressions of other people in the room changed slightly. After a few seconds of silence, Tsunade looked a little solemn and put her hands on her mouth and asked.

“Yosuke, are you saying that our plan has been leaked?”

After hearing Tsunade’s words, Nara Shikaku’s heart trembled, but he adjusted his mentality in the next second; for veteran ninjas, unless something particularly shocking happens, it is impossible to shake their minds. After deciding to help the Third Hokage That day, he had already had his awakening.

Bai Yun Yousuke said: “It’s just that this possibility cannot be avoided, and there is no need to wait for so many days and quickly enter a state of war. The most important thing to do now is to catch Yun Ninja Village off guard.”

No one in the room had any objections to his words. Tsunade would basically support Shirogane Yosuke at any time. As for Rasa and Terumi Mei, they couldn’t find any objections. A month ago, they were ready for this war. Be prepared.

Tsunade asked: “If the Kazekage and Mizukage have no objection, then let’s do this?”

Rasa said: “I agree, after it’s over, I will take Gaara to the battlefield.”

“Then I will set off directly with the Shadow Guard.”

Terumi Mei was a little regretful that none of Kirigakure’s Jinchuuriki could be sent to the battlefield, otherwise they could have achieved greater results and gained enough benefits in this war.

Basically no one doubts that the Konoha side will lose. Although the Kumo ninja is a powerful country with armaments, Shirakumo Yosuke is confident that he can handle most of the situation of the Kumo ninja, and the remaining Kirigakure Village can completely handle it.

After finalizing the decision, Baiyun Yosuke, Luo Sha and others set off separately.

However, Tsunade called Shirayun Yosuke down. After everyone else left, Tsunade stopped Shirayun Yosuke with her hand and clamped him under her arm, squeezing Shirayun Yosuke tightly against the left side. Soft.

Tsunade asked angrily: “Explain to me, when did you get so close to Mizukage? Are you calling her by name now?”

“Breathe, I can’t breathe, Tsunade-sensei”

After patting Tsunade’s arm loose, Bai Yun Yousuke was freed from the chokehold of this strange woman, and then slowly began to breathe; if there was no chokehold, he would be willing to put his face in Tsunade’s soft ball all day long .

“Last time we destroyed the Mizukage Building in Kirigakure Village, and then we took the initiative to ease the relationship, so we call each other by our names.”

Baiyun Yousuke was shocked in his heart, but he still said without revealing any flaws: “Tsunade-sensei, I didn’t expect that you would even doubt your disciples. It’s really disappointing.”

“My feelings for Tsunade-sensei can be announced immediately!!”

Before Bai Yun Yousuke could finish these words, Tsunade blushed and quickly stepped forward to cover his mouth. The Hokage’s office did not have a soundproof barrier, so any louder words inside could definitely be heard outside.

“I know, I know. Don’t be so loud, you brat. People will hear it outside!”

Tsunade put her fingers up in front of her body and made a shushing gesture to Baiyun Yosuke; then when she saw Baiyun Yosuke nodded, she let go of her hand with a sigh of relief.

However, Tsunade still knocked Bai Yun Yousuke angrily: “What a stupid disciple, don’t yell like this next time!”

“Then Tsunade-sensei believes me?”

Tsunade crossed her arms across her chest and turned around and said, “Believe it or not, what does it matter to me?”

“Me to Tsunade.”

“Okay, okay, I believe it!”

Tsunade counterattacked in time and quickly covered Bai Yun Yousuke’s mouth. She was filled with shame and anger, but she couldn’t do anything about this rogue disciple.

After the joke was over, Shiroun Yosuke said to Tsunade in a slightly serious tone: “Then I will leave, Teacher Tsunade.”

“Well, be careful when you go to the battlefield. Although it’s not your first time on the battlefield, and it’s not your first time dealing with an enemy, you have to be vigilant no matter what.”

Tsunade couldn’t help but worry and warned, Shiroun Yosuke is as big as a rope tree now. Although she knows it’s inappropriate to think like this, she can’t help but worry in her heart.

“Don’t worry, Tsunade-sensei, I will be absolutely fine, and I still have to wear this.”

While speaking, Shirakumo Yosuke reached out and took out the necklace caught in Tsunade’s soft snow, and then put it around his neck.

After seeing this, Tsunade said anxiously: “What are you doing?”

“Take my necklace and leave it to you for safekeeping after the war is over!”

Bai Yun Yousuke’s words reminded Tsunade that she had already given away the necklace, but she still felt a little worried.

“Tsunade-sensei, would you like to give your disciple another gift before you leave?”

After Tsunade heard this, she suddenly asked with some vigilance: “What are you going to do again?”

Shiroun Yosuke didn’t answer, but just approached Tsunade’s face. When Tsunade noticed it, she suddenly guessed that Shiroun Yosuke wanted to kiss her forehead. She was shy and wanted to hit Shiroun Yosuke, but she thought that this disciple was about to leave the village to fight. , her heart softened and she closed her eyes.


The next second, Tsunade felt that her red lips were blocked and pressed against the other lips. She was so shocked that she quickly wanted to speak.

But Bai Yun Yousuke quickly held Tsunade’s pretty face, making it impossible for her to leave. Moreover, with the shame in her heart, Tsunade didn’t know how to struggle. She just held her hand in a symbolic gesture. She put it on Bai Yun Yousuke’s chest to push back, and she didn’t use her strange power and chakra.

After more than a minute, Tsunade suddenly exerted her strength and looked at Bai Yun Yousuke with red cheeks and said, “You brat, what did you just do?”

“Ah, it’s time to leave. I’ll leave first, Teacher Tsunade!”

After Bai Yun Yousuke said these words, he immediately left the Hokage’s office.

Tsunade was left alone, looking at the position before Bai Yun Yousuke left, she couldn’t help but stretched out her hand to touch her red lips, and suddenly laughed and cursed: “This astringent disciple”

During the kiss just now, he actually put his tongue into her mouth. If she hadn’t reacted quickly, there’s no telling what would have happened next.

Tsunade felt shy and angry, but the ratio of the two emotions should be about seven to three.


“You are deceiving Sister Tsunade with lies again, ah~~, what a pity. I should have told Sister Tsunade about your love interest when you went out last time, so that she would not have been deceived by you.”

After Bai Yun Yousuke left the Hokage Building, Kushina kept saying with bulging cheeks and unconvinced

“You kid, you’ve gone too far. You actually deceived Sister Tsunade’s feelings.”

Shiroun Yosuke was harassed for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but said: “Kushina, you have decided that I need your help on the battlefield, so you are so confident, right? Tsunade-sensei and I are in love. Joy!”

“Don’t casually say that two people are in love, you have too many goals for being happy!”

Kushina immediately put her hands on her hips and said, “Four emotions have already appeared in you!”

“What does it matter? If you were alive, you might be my target. This is just a little charity, charity!”

Baiyun Yousuke said indifferently, in a feudal system, as a general under the feudal system, what is wrong with marrying more wives for the sake of blood inheritance?

As long as Otsutsuki Hamura has five children, will it be Ashura and Indra’s turn to argue for thousands of years? After Otsutsuki Hamura dies, the five brothers can just sit down and vote.

If we can’t split into two camps, one side can win quickly.

Bai Yun Yousuke doesn’t think he did anything wrong at all. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Since his strength is so strong and will become stronger in the future, he will naturally pass on his bloodline.

But when Kushina heard these words, she immediately jumped up and shouted in shame and anger: “What do you mean, I am also a target!? I am Naruto’s mother, after all, I am your aunt.”

“Where are you from, aunt? Strictly speaking, you are a generation younger than Tsunade, and what is the relationship between me and Uzumaki Naruto? It’s strange. If you are influenced by an idiot, you will become an idiot. Why do you have to deal with me? seniority in the family.”

Bai Yun Yousuke patted his head. He was actually tricked by Kushina one day. Idiots are indeed contagious.

“I haven’t settled the matter of the Chuunin Exam with you before. When it comes to the battlefield, you’d better be more honest, otherwise don’t blame me for teaching you a lesson.” Shiroun Yosuke threatened: “Chakra is the same as the body, Kushina. You don’t want to be punished by me either!”

“you this”

Kushina’s voice suddenly weakened. She suddenly remembered that the last time she was hung up by Bai Yun Yousuke and spread her thighs, it was too shameful. So she gave up the fight and just defended herself weakly.

“I’m just cheering for Naruto, why do you want to stop maternal love?”

“Perhaps Uzumaki Naruto doesn’t need this kind of maternal love at all. It was already difficult to deal with the Sharingan Genjutsu at that time. But with your big voice and loudspeaker, you scared him and then lost the game. It’s really amazing of maternal love.”

After hearing Bai Yun Yousuke’s ridicule, Kushina also lowered her head in shame.

Although Naruto is not as strong as Uchiha Sasuke, it stands to reason that he will not be so fast. If he uses the nine-tailed chakra, he can at least stay in a stalemate for a while and show everyone an extremely exciting contest.

The orphan of Uchiha faced off against the son of the Fourth Hokage. This was a scene that people were looking forward to. Unfortunately, it was ruined by Kushina’s loudspeaker.

Fortunately, Shirakumo Yosuke made a lot of money. A Chunin Exam made him earn at least more than 300 million taels of gambling money. Those who placed bets were all rich and noble names, and they all believed that Shirakumo Yosuke helped Uzumaki. Naruto’s legendary name.

After reprimanding Kushina, Shiakumo Yosuke went to see Yuhi Kurenai again, and gave her an affectionate confession, which made Kushina pretend to retching in the sealed space for a while.

But the next second, she was hung up by the chakra chain, and it was tied to her white silk thighs.


Fire Nation Frontier

After Bai Yun Yousuke arrived here, he quickly summoned the captain of the investigation team, Hyuga Tokuma.

“Master Yosuke, the Kumo ninja have not noticed our movements, and they have four patrol teams in the Kingdom of Yu, and ten patrol teams on the border of the Land of Thunder, each here.”

Hyuga Tokuma quickly pointed out the location of the Kumo Ninja Village patrol team on the map. Normally, the Ninja Village would only patrol their own country, but the Kumo Ninja were more domineering. They took advantage of the weakness of Yu Ninja Village and crossed the border to the Yu Country without scruples. Surveillance patrols.

In this way, if the enemy is discovered, there will be time to buffer the report.

“Tokuma, select fourteen patrol teams, and cooperate with the fourteen jounin teams to capture all these cloud ninjas and kill Kakashi as soon as possible. Your team will also go. You and Sasuke can use the Sharingan After interrogating the information, and the ninjas of the Yamazaka clan, we must ask for the contact information of the Kumo ninja as soon as possible. ”

After Bai Yun Yousuke finished speaking, he pointed on the map again and continued to speak to the people present.

“After Kakashi sent the information back, I led 1,500 people on the frontal battlefield to attract the attention of the Cloud Ninjas. Kakashi, if you take the Flying Castle to occupy the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder, I will give you permission. The daimyo and all the nobles must be captured.”

If you are determined to deal with the Ninja Village, the best way is to capture the daimyo; in another time and space, Black Zetsu plans to capture the daimyo of the five major countries to threaten the ninja coalition, and the ninja coalition also uses water shadows and elites from various countries. Ninja came to protect the Daimyo.

Needless to say, the importance of daimyo to the Ninja Village is equal to that of Kage.

“I understand, Master Yosuke.”

Calling someone younger than himself as ‘sir’ made Kakashi feel a little subtle; however, Shiroun Yosuke’s strength and status were higher than his, and he was on the battlefield, so he just took it casually.

“Okay, let’s take action. This time we have Kirigakure’s help. It will be easy to eliminate the Kumo ninja.”


After Baigumo Yosuke gave the order, a total of twenty-eight mission teams including Hyuga Tokuma and Kakashi left the camp and sneaked into the Kingdom of Yu and the Kingdom of Thunder.

With a reconnaissance team and a regular Jonin team of eight ninjas, it was easy to deal with the Kumo ninja patrol team.

“Is that the one in front?”

Uchiha Sasuke asked. He had already opened his Sharingan, but he didn’t see anything wrong.

Hyuga Akito said with certainty: “It’s absolutely true, their resting place is underground; I once followed a group of Kumo nin from a distance and saw them disappear here.”

Uchiha Sasuke nodded after hearing the words, then turned his head to look at Xianglan; at this time, the latter released the seal and whispered: “There are six chakra reactions.”

“I’m not very good at Earth Escape”

Uchiha Sasuke finished speaking in a low voice, and then looked at Kakashi with meaning; although this capture mission was left to him and Naruto to practice, it would be difficult to capture them all at once.

Kakashi waved his hand and said: “I understand, but I will only use earth escape to help you drive people out, and then I will be responsible for guarding and surrounding you.”

“Naruto, you and Karin are responsible for the direction of seven o’clock, if they want to escape”

“Then I will use my shadow clones to knock them all down, don’t worry!”

Uzumaki Naruto gestured with his muscles to show that he was strong.


Hyuga Akito raised his hand in confusion. Why did he hear that the two genin in front of him were the main ones trying to capture the six Kumo ninjas, not Hatake Kakashi.

However, before Hyuga Akito asked the question, Kakashi, who was aware of it, explained: “Don’t worry Akito-kun, Sasuke and Naruto are now chuunin, and they were jointly selected by the five major ninja villages. Chunin, if they don’t capture them all, then I will take action.”

“But before that, please Akito-kun, please stay on guard with me.”

Sorry, I’m still a little uncomfortable with the cold. I’ll resume updating after I get better.

Naruto: The whole World knows that i am the Savior - Chapter 133 (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.