Naruto: The whole World knows that i am the Savior - Chapter 103 (2024)

Chapter 103 Orochimaru: It turns out that I am the Nabekage!

“You bastard kid, you were lying to me, weren’t you!”

“How could that be, Tsunade-sensei, you misunderstood me. It was unconscious just now. It might be the nerve disorder caused by weakness that caused the brain to issue wrong instructions and let the tongue stick out.”

Tsunade was not convinced by Baiyun Yosuke’s nonsense.

Seeing that she was about to swing her fist, Baiyun Yosuke quickly said: “Okay, Tsunade-sensei, I confess everything. I actually went to find Orochimaru just now.”

“Orochimaru? What are you looking for him for?”

When Tsunade heard Orochimaru, her attention was diverted. She thought Baiyun Yosuke was involved in some forbidden technique, so she put down her fist and asked

“What’s going on?”

“Actually, there is something that requires Tsunade-sensei’s consent. Orochimaru has developed a cell fusion technology that can restore the original cells of the human body to their previous state through fusion cells, thus gaining youth. Now we need powerful cells.”

“That bastard Orochimaru is a dog that can’t change its eating habits!”

Before Baiyun Yangjie finished speaking, Tsunade interrupted angrily and scolded Orochimaru.

“This bastard was doing human experiments before. Although he now has a death row prisoner sent to him by the daimyo, he still thinks of his grandfather’s cells without repentance. He wants to study his grandfather’s cells because he has enough experimental subjects.”

Baiyun Yangjie was a little relieved. Fortunately, he pushed this matter to Orochimaru. If he proposed to study it himself, Tsunade’s fist would probably have hit his head.

“I heard that Orochimaru’s research has been successful, but in order to restore the “youth” of cells, cells with strong vitality are most suitable. If there is no first generation Hokage, Orochimaru plans to try other bloodlines.”

Baiyun Yangjie pretended to know half of it. Although he and Orochimaru could secretly experiment with Hashirama’s cells, there was always a risk of exposure.

It would be better to talk to Tsunade right from the start. After all, the first Hokage is her grandfather. If he hides it from Tsunade and is discovered in the end, it will definitely affect his relationship with Tsunade.

“It has succeeded? Orochimaru has this ability?”

Tsunade frowned slightly. She knew Orochimaru and he might be very talented in the study of ninjutsu, but this was a human experiment.

Orochimaru didn’t know medical ninjutsu and didn’t have the status and treatment of her grandfather before. How could he suddenly succeed in the study?

“Yes, he swore that it had succeeded, and I also planned to ask Tsunade-sensei for a copy.”

Baiyun Yangjie patted his chest and swore: “If I can return to my youth, the first copy will definitely be Tsunade-sensei, although Tsunade-sensei is already very young!”

“Don’t compliment me, your stupid disciple must have no good things every time he says good things.”

Tsunade saw Baiyun Yangjie’s look and knew that he was involved in a lot of it; not to mention that Orochimaru was bewitching, an active participation was definitely a must.

Although the study of grandfather’s cells has been carried out many times in Konoha, and it was even her second grandfather who started this project at the beginning; but the original purpose was to reproduce the wood escape method that restrains the tailed beasts, so the study of Hashirama’s cells.

However, wood escape is too difficult to reproduce, and the casualty rate of human experiments is too high, so the second generation Hokage banned this plan.

After Uzumaki Kushina became a Jinchūriki, the tailed beasts almost went berserk several times, so Sarutobi Hiruzen restarted the study of Hashirama’s cells.

But later, because of too many deaths, it had to be banned again.

Tsunade knew very well how difficult it was to study Hashirama’s cells. She suspected that Orochimaru was deceiving Shirakumo Yosuke; but if she opposed it, Orochimaru, that bastard, would do whatever it took to achieve his goal, and would definitely study it secretly.

“Okay, I will give my grandfather’s cells to Orochimaru, but don’t get involved in this matter. Orochimaru, that bastard, probably has some bad ideas about you.”

Tsunade reminded worriedly. Orochimaru wanted to kidnap Shirakumo Yosuke before. Although she didn’t know what agreement they reached later, she was still worried about Orochimaru.

“Thank you, Teacher Tsunade. After a busy day, Teacher Tsunade must be tired. Let me take care of you next.”

“Eh? Yosuke, what are you doing?”

“Massage, Teacher Tsunade, just enjoy it.”

“Idiot, I don’t need it, stop it!”

“Stop it, Teacher Tsunade, why are you still like a child!”

Baiyun Yosuke forcefully lifted Tsunade’s slender and soft thighs, put them on his legs, and then started to massage.

He had a lot of strength to hold Tsunade in place. Anyway, if Tsunade wanted to break free, she could only use chakra, but that would mean a fight.

Tsunade would definitely not do that. She couldn’t get rid of it by simply struggling, so she had to put her legs on Baiyun Yosuke’s body with a red face.

Let him take advantage of her in the name of massage.

The next day, early in the morning


Not long after the sun rose, Tsunade came to the outside of Orochimaru’s “prison” and shouted loudly in a bad tone.

Two minutes later, Orochimaru slowly walked out. When he saw Tsunade, he was very surprised and said, “Tsunade, why are you here? This is your first time to come to my place except the time I came back to the village, hehe.”

“Orochimaru, you are really full of deception and bewitchment. Be careful next time!”


Orochimaru was surprised. What did Tsunade mean by this?

“Take it. This is what you need.”

Tsunade threw a liquid container to Orochimaru. The latter took it and found a small piece of flesh and skin tissue inside. He immediately thought that it was Hashirama’s cells.

“Tsunade, thank you very much.”

Orochimaru didn’t finish his words, his pupils shrank, and he dodged quickly.

The next second, Tsunade stepped down, and the huge force directly stepped on the hard ground to create a cracked pit of more than ten meters, with a loud bang.

After Orochimaru dodged far away, he first stuffed the vessel of Hashirama’s cells into the mouth of a summoned snake, and then asked with a gloomy face: “Tsunade, what do you mean by this?”

“Don’t come to seduce my disciples in the future, Orochimaru, this is the last time, otherwise I will definitely teach you a lesson!”

Tsunade said to Orochimaru in a cold voice, and then stepped away.

She and Orochimaru fought, and it took an hour or two to determine the winner, so the move just now was a warning.

After Tsunade left, Kabuto Yakushi also came out of the research base because of the noise just now. Seeing the deep pit stepped by the strange force, he came to Orochimaru and asked

“Lord Orochimaru, what happened?”

“It’s okay, I took the blame for some bastard, but fortunately I got something.”

Orochimaru understood why Tsunade was looking for trouble with him. It turned out that it was because Baiyun Yosuke didn’t tell Tsunade the truth, probably the same as Jiraiya last time.

“Go back and prepare for the experiment, Kabuto, but you should be more careful next time.”

“Be careful of what? Lord Orochimaru.”

“Be careful not to be fooled by Baiyun Yosuke, and let Kimimaro go to Konoha for treatment, Tsunade is back.”

Even if he took the blame, Orochimaru couldn’t retaliate.

One is Tsunade, who is violent and he wants to avoid her when he sees her; the other is Baiyun Yosuke, and most of his experiments currently require Baiyun Yosuke’s help. He can’t afford to offend both of them.


“Shiwei, long time no see.”

Hinata Hiashi said after sitting down. Opposite him was the head of the Aburame clan, Aburame Shiwei.

Because the secret techniques and Byakugan bloodline of the Aburame clan both have the ability to detect, plus the Inuzuka clan, the ninjas of the three clans often team up together and have a good relationship.

Speaking of which, he and Aburame Shiwei were students of the same class.

After Aburame Shiwei poured the tea, she asked directly without beating around the bush: “Hiashi, you rarely come to visit, what’s the purpose today?”

“For the Hokage election.”

Hinata Hiashi did not beat around the bush and directly stated his purpose.

“Hokage election?”

Aburame Shiwei was startled and asked in confusion: “Hiashi, you are also going to participate in the Hokage election. Do you want my Aburame clan to support you?”

Hyuga Hiashi shook his head and said: “No, I will not participate in the Hokage election. The Hyuga clan supports Tsunade-sama. I came to you today and hope that the Aburame clan will support Tsunade-sama like us.”


“Yes, Shiwei, we can all see that there are only two Sannin who can become candidates for Hokage. The others are much worse than them, so the Hokage must be between the two of them.”

Hyuga Hiashi paused, hesitating a little, but still told Aburame Shiwei truthfully: “The Sandaime supports Jiraiya-sama, but I think Tsunade-sama is most suitable to be the Fifth Hokage.”


Aburame Shiwei did not answer. Their clan usually only needs to complete the task well. They have inherited secret techniques and do not take the initiative to cause trouble. They are destined to be an indispensable member of Konoha.

It seems that there is no benefit for them to participate in politics.

“Zhiwei, the reason why I came to you is because of the special nature of the Aburame clan. As far as I know, you don’t have any additional industries.”

Compared to the Hyuga family and the Inuzuka family, the secret techniques of the Aburame family are not suitable for doing business, and the people of their clan have some characteristics. It is difficult to attract other people’s attention!

If they set up a stall or a store, it is estimated that customers will think that this is an unmanned store and take the things and leave.

So the Aburame clan can only earn money by Konoha missions.

“Let me tell you one thing, Zhiwei, Konoha paid a lot of price to negotiate with the Rock Ninja, and gave up the right to interfere with four or five small countries, as well as one-third of the mission commissions next year.”

After hearing what Hyuga Hiashi said, Aburame Zhiwei looked up in surprise, and he soon realized the impact of this on the Aburame clan.

Hyuga Hiashi continued, “This means that one-third of the ninjas of the Aburame clan cannot receive missions, and they have lost their source of income, and it’s not just one-third. Zhiwei, it will be difficult for the Chunin and Genin in the future.”

“Moreover, if we don’t resolve this matter through war with the Rock Ninja, it will not only be next year, but also the year after next, and the year after that. Zhiwei, the Hyuga clan has its own income, what about you?”


Aburame Zhiwei was silent for a while, and then slowly said, “Will this situation change after Tsunade-sama becomes the fifth Hokage?”

“Of course, to be honest, Tsunade-sama’s disciple, Yosuke, has a good relationship with the daimyo, and Yosuke also has his own business. If it is well managed, it can earn hundreds of millions or even billions of taels a year.”

“I have talked to Yosuke-sama, and he will fully support Tsunade-sama.”

“In this case, Hiashi, the Aburame clan will support Tsunade-sama, but the mission commission had better be true.”

Aburame Zhiwei made a decision quickly. He had no opinion on whether Jiraiya or Tsunade became Hokage, but he had to be responsible for the clan members.

Most of the tribe members rely on mission rewards to make a living. If what Hiashi said is true, then the Aburame tribe will be in trouble.

“Even if it is to support Tsunade-sama, I will not lie about such things, Zhiwei.”

Hinata Hiashi saw that Aburame Shiwei agreed, picked up the teacup and took a sip, then planned to say goodbye: “Well, let’s talk about today here. I have to visit other friends. I’ll say goodbye first.”


In addition to the Aburame clan, Hinata Hiashi also visited two ninja clans and several friends.

The effect was good, and he drank a lot of tea. After returning to the Hyuga clan, he went to the toilet.

And Hinata Hiashi’s actions also made the Anbu aware of it. After all, the head of the Hyuga family rarely walked around the village, but today he visited so many ninjas so frequently.

If there are abnormal things in the village, the Anbu will report them to the Hokage after discovering them.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew about Hinata Hiashi and soon thought of Tsunade. After Tsunade visited the Hyuga clan, Hinata Hiashi took this action next.

The intention was obvious. Hinata Hiashi planned to support Tsunade.

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t sit still. He thought Tsunade was aloof and disdainful of building relationships with other ninjas. Jiraiya has the support of the four clans of Sarutobi, Ino, Shikaku and Chou, plus the support of Koharu and Yan.

He is still better than Tsunade!

But now if Tsunade has the support of the Hyuga clan, it may not be the case.

After the demise of the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan is basically the first ninja clan in Konoha. Although they are independent, they must have many friends.

If Hyuga Hiashi continues to win over people like this, it is hard to say whether the fifth Hokage will be able to do so.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t want Tsunade to become the fifth Hokage. He hoped that Konoha would be above Shirakumo Yosuke, so that no matter how Shirakumo Yosuke grows, Konoha will gradually become stronger above him.

But if Tsunade becomes Hokage, Shirakumo Yosuke may be superior to Konoha, which is contrary to his idea.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately went to Nara Shikaku to discuss a countermeasure.


Early in the morning, when the villagers of Konoha went out, they suddenly found a lot of papers with words printed on the walls and the ground.

When they picked them up or looked closer, they were immediately shocked by the content on them

“Eh? What is this, a peace agreement?”

“You saw it too? This is not a peace agreement, isn’t this a defeat agreement? Did Konoha lose?”

“How, how could such an agreement be signed? Who signed it? It’s really shameful!”

“At least there is peace, as long as there is no war.”

One of the villagers weakly raised a different opinion, and then was immediately scolded by the people around him: “Idiot, isn’t this a peace you asked for? It’s simply, simply too humiliating!”

The news spread quickly, and there were such flyers on several main streets of Konoha.

When the Anbu reacted and wanted to collect and destroy them, the peace agreement between Konoha and Iwagakure could no longer be concealed.

When the Anbu was acting, on a remote rooftop, Orochimaru and Shirakumo Yosuke were watching the increasingly lively Konoha from a distance.

Orochimaru couldn’t help but sigh and said, “Yōsuke-kun, this is the third time I’ve been blamed. If this continues, Jiraiya and the old man will not be able to help but tear me down.”

“I guess their patience has reached its limit, Yosuke-kun, you called me back, don’t you want them to kill me?”

He did this.

To be precise, it was Baiyun Yosuke who asked him to do it.

Yakushi Kabuto went to copy a large amount of the agreement content, and then Orochimaru summoned many small snakes to scatter all over Konoha.

Time was a bit rushed, and he had to hide it from the Anbu in the village, so some traces of snakes crawling and snake mucus would definitely be left, and they would be able to find him when they checked.

“Definitely not, if they attack you, I will use Flying Thunder God to take you away, don’t worry, Orochimaru, I’m on your side.”

“Tsunade only troubled me yesterday”

“That was an accident, Orochimaru.”

Orochimaru looked at Baiyun Yosuke with a fake smile, and then felt a little helpless in his heart, he was actually caught one day.

But there is no way. Compared with Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hiruzen, Baiyun Yosuke has given him too much.

If Hashirama’s cell fusion experiment can succeed, he can obtain multiple bloodlines such as Konoha and Sharingan. And Orochimaru is confident in this experiment.

No wonder he didn’t snatch Uchiha Sasuke’s body in the future. Maybe he doesn’t like it.

If Baiyun Yosuke can always satisfy his curiosity, then Orochimaru can accept it even if he is always used.

“I’ll go back first, Orochimaru. If they cause trouble for you, notify me through kunai.”

After Baiyun Yosuke said this, he directly left here with Flying Thunder God.

Orochimaru shook his head and left with earth escape.

Soon, the news spread to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

His face was terribly cold, and he stood up with angrily slamming the table, unable to say a word.

“Check who spread it, and send someone to dispel the rumor, and tell everyone not to discuss related matters.”


The door was pushed open, and Tsunade strode in, followed by Jiraiya who called her.

Tsunade who came in said directly: “Old man, it’s time now, and you are still doing this kind of useless thing. You can’t shut up the mouths of the whole village. What you need to do now is to deal with the future!”

“Tsunade, did you do this?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately looked at Tsunade with suspicion, knowing that there were not many people who did this. If it was Tsunade, then many things made sense.

“What does it have to do with me!? If I wanted to tell it, I wouldn’t have kept it secret until today. I would have told you directly at the jonin meeting.”

Tsunade was stunned and then said angrily, but she also felt a little guilty in her heart.

She really didn’t say it, but her bastard disciple might not have said it. Baiyun Yosuke was not at home early this morning, and she, the teacher, didn’t know where he went.

Tsunade felt that her disciple was getting bolder and bolder. It wouldn’t be surprising if he did such a thing without telling her.

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Naruto: The whole World knows that i am the Savior - Chapter 103 (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.